Apex Class to Demonstrate Setter Method

In our previous blog post we had discussed about Usage of Apex Program with in VF Page.In these blog post we discuss about Apex Class to Demonstrate Setter Method

Apex Class to Demonstrate Setter Method


In Salesforce development, Apex is a powerful programming language that enables developers to control business logic. A key aspect of Apex is object-oriented programming (OOP), and one of the most important principles in OOP is encapsulation. In this article, we will explore setter methods—a crucial feature that helps in securing and managing data within Apex classes. By the end of this guide, you’ll understand how to use setter methods in Apex with practical examples.

What is Apex?

Apex is Salesforce’s proprietary programming language, used to execute complex business logic on the Salesforce platform. It’s designed to handle various tasks like creating custom web services, making calls to external services, and processing complex logic for Salesforce apps. Apex supports OOP principles, including classes, objects, and methods, making it essential for developers working within the Salesforce ecosystem.

Understanding Object-Oriented Programming in Apex

At its core, Apex follows the OOP paradigm, which relies on classes, objects, and methods to create modular and maintainable code. With OOP, you can represent real-world entities as objects, with data encapsulated inside these objects. Classes define the structure of objects, and methods perform actions on the data.

What Are Getter and Setter Methods?

Getter and setter methods are essential tools for encapsulation in OOP. They allow indirect access to a class’s properties while hiding the internal implementation.

  • Getter Methods: These retrieve the value of a private variable.
  • Setter Methods: These allow the setting or updating of a private variable’s value.

Syntax and Structure of Setter Methods

The syntax of a setter method in Apex is straightforward:

public class MyClass {
private Integer myVariable;
// Setter Method
public void setMyVariable(Integer value) {
this.myVariable = value;

In this code:

  • setMyVariable is the setter method, which allows external classes or methods to modify the value of myVariable.

Basic Example of a Setter Method in Apex

Let’s take a simple example to understand how setter methods work in Apex:

public class AccountManager {
private String accountName;
// Setter method
public void setAccountName(String name) {
this.accountName = name;

Here, the setter method setAccountName is used to update the value of the accountName variable. It ensures that any modification to accountName happens through the method, keeping the variable private and secure.

How Setter Methods Improve Data Security

One of the main benefits of using setter methods is data security. By preventing direct access to variables, you ensure that data can only be modified in controlled ways, thereby avoiding accidental corruption or unauthorized changes.

Advanced Use Case: Apex Class with Setter Method

Now, let’s dive into an advanced example to see how setter methods function in more complex scenarios:

public class OpportunityManager {
private Decimal opportunityAmount;
// Setter method
public void setOpportunityAmount(Decimal amount) {
if(amount > 0) {
this.opportunityAmount = amount;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(‘Amount must be positive’);

In this class, the setter method setOpportunityAmount checks whether the value passed to it is positive. If the amount is negative, it throws an exception, ensuring that only valid data is set.

Error Handling in Setter Methods

When working with setter methods, errors can occur, especially if invalid data is passed. One effective way to handle these errors is by using exception handling techniques like try-catch blocks.

try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
System.debug('Error: ' + e.getMessage());

Best Practices for Using Setter Methods in Apex

  1. Keep Methods Simple: Ensure that your setter methods perform a single task, such as validation or data modification.
  2. Use Validation: Always validate the data being set to avoid invalid entries.
  3. Avoid Complex Logic in Setters: Complex business logic should reside outside the setter method.

Performance Considerations with Setter Methods

While setter methods add an extra layer of security and control, they can affect performance if used inefficiently, especially in large data sets. Ensure your setter methods are optimized by avoiding unnecessary computations.

Unit Testing Setter Methods in Apex

Testing is crucial when developing Apex classes. To unit test setter methods, use test data and assertions to verify the functionality:

public class OpportunityManagerTest {
static void testSetOpportunityAmount() {
OpportunityManager om = new OpportunityManager();
System.assertEquals(1000, om.getOpportunityAmount());

Real-World Scenario: Implementing Setter Methods in a Salesforce App

Let’s assume you are building an app that tracks sales opportunities. You can use setter methods to manage the data flow, ensuring that opportunity amounts are always positive and that no invalid data enters the system.


Understanding and implementing setter methods in Apex is crucial for maintaining clean, secure, and efficient code. Whether you’re working on simple data encapsulation or complex business logic, setter methods provide a controlled way to manage data in your Apex classes.

We Want to more about Apex Class to Demonstrate Setter Method Click Here


What is the difference between getter and setter methods in Apex?

Getter methods retrieve a value, while setter methods modify or set a value in a class.

Can you override setter methods in Apex?

Yes, you can override setter methods in Apex as long as the method signatures match.

How do setter methods help in encapsulation?

Setter methods hide internal variables and provide controlled access to modify the data.

What are common mistakes developers make with setter methods?

Common mistakes include omitting validation and adding complex logic directly in the setter method.

Is it possible to use setter methods without a getter in Apex?

Yes, you can use a setter without a getter, but typically both are used together for encapsulation.

In our next blog post we will discuss about What is Array in Salesforce Apex

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