What is Batch Apex in Salesforce

In our previous blog post we had discussed about What is Interface Iterator in Apex. In these blog post we discuss about What is Batch Apex in Salesforce

What is Batch Apex in Salesforce

Before diving into Batch Apex, it’s important to understand Apex itself. Apex is a proprietary programming language in Salesforce that developers use to write custom business logic. It operates in a multi-tenant environment, meaning every action performed within Salesforce is subject to certain limits, called governor limits, to maintain overall system performance.

Limitations of Standard Apex Execution

Apex, while powerful, has its challenges. Salesforce enforces strict governor limits, such as limits on CPU time, memory, and the number of queries that can be executed. When a developer attempts to process thousands or millions of records in a single operation, these limits can cause errors and prevent the operation from completing. For example, trying to update a million records in a single transaction will quickly hit Salesforce’s query or DML (Data Manipulation Language) limits.

Why Batch Apex

Batch Apex provides a way around these limitations by breaking the operation into smaller batches. Each batch executes separately within its own context, allowing the system to process more data while staying within governor limits. Essentially, it allows developers to process records asynchronously in manageable chunks, thus ensuring that even large datasets can be handled efficiently.

Key Components of Batch Apex

At the core of Batch Apex is the Database.Batchable interface, which includes three critical methods:

  • start: This method is used to collect the records you want to process.
  • execute: This method is where the logic to process each batch of records is written.
  • finish: Once all batches are processed, this method performs any post-processing tasks.

By dividing the data into smaller batches, Salesforce ensures that the governor limits are respected, allowing for smooth processing of even the largest datasets.

How Does Batch Apex Work

Batch Apex works by breaking down large datasets into smaller groups of records and processing them one batch at a time. This ensures that the governor limits aren’t exceeded during execution. For instance, if you have 10,000 records to process, and you configure your batch size to 200, the Batch Apex job will break the 10,000 records into 50 separate batches. Each batch will run independently, and you can customize the batch size according to your needs.

Batch Apex Governor Limits

Despite its ability to handle larger volumes of data, Batch Apex is still subject to Salesforce’s governor limits. However, these limits are more flexible compared to standard Apex transactions. For example, with Batch Apex, you can have up to 250,000 records processed per batch job, significantly higher than what you can achieve in a single transaction.

Benefits of Using Batch Apex

The key benefits of using Batch Apex include:

  • Handling large volumes of data: It’s ideal for jobs that involve processing tens of thousands or even millions of records.
  • Asynchronous processing: Batch jobs run in the background without interrupting user interactions.
  • Optimized resource usage: By dividing large data into smaller parts, it reduces the risk of exceeding governor limits.

Use Cases for Batch Apex in Salesforce

There are numerous scenarios where Batch Apex shines:

  • Data cleansing: If you need to clean up a large number of records, Batch Apex is an ideal tool.
  • Bulk updates: Whether it’s mass updating opportunities, accounts, or custom objects, Batch Apex makes it efficient.
  • Periodic tasks: Recurring processes like sending reminder emails or recalculating values can be automated with Batch Apex.

Batch Apex vs. Future and Queueable Apex

Salesforce offers other asynchronous methods such as Future methods and Queueable Apex. While these are useful for one-off operations or smaller tasks, Batch Apex is best suited for large-scale data processing. The key difference is that Batch Apex breaks up large jobs into smaller, more manageable parts, whereas Future and Queueable methods don’t offer that capability.

Designing Efficient Batch Apex

To get the best performance from Batch Apex, it’s important to follow certain best practices:

  • Optimize query performance: Use selective queries and indexed fields to minimize the load on the system.
  • Minimize batch size: Depending on the complexity of the job, a smaller batch size may reduce the risk of running into governor limits.

Batch Apex in Asynchronous Processing

Batch Apex operates in the asynchronous model, meaning it runs independently of user interaction and doesn’t hold up other operations in Salesforce. This makes it perfect for jobs that would take too long to run synchronously.

Error Handling in Batch Apex

Handling errors is crucial in any Apex code. In Batch Apex, you can implement try-catch blocks and use the Database.SaveResult class to log errors and avoid disrupting the entire job if one batch fails.

Testing Batch Apex

Like any Apex code, Batch Apex needs to be tested thoroughly. Salesforce requires a minimum of 75% code coverage, so it’s essential to write test classes that cover all possible scenarios, including edge cases like errors or no records to process.


Batch Apex is a powerful tool in Salesforce that allows developers to work with large datasets efficiently. By breaking down large operations into smaller, more manageable tasks, Batch Apex overcomes many of the limitations of standard Apex. Whether you’re dealing with data migration, bulk updates, or recurring tasks, Batch Apex is an essential tool for any Salesforce developer.

We Want to more About What is Batch Apex in Salesforce Click Here


How many batches can be executed at once?
You can execute up to five active Batch Apex jobs concurrently, with each job processing up to 200 records per batch.

Can Batch Apex be scheduled?
Yes, Batch Apex can be scheduled using Salesforce’s built-in scheduling framework, allowing jobs to run at specific intervals.

What are the best practices for writing Batch Apex?
Always optimize queries, handle exceptions gracefully, and ensure that your batch size is appropriate for the task at hand.

Is Batch Apex suitable for all data processing needs?
No, Batch Apex is most suitable for operations involving large datasets. For smaller tasks, Queueable Apex or Future methods may be more efficient.

How does Batch Apex handle failures?
If a batch fails, only that specific batch is rolled back, and Salesforce will continue processing the remaining batches. You can also implement custom error-handling logic.

In our next blog post we will discuss about Invoking of Batch Apex Job in Salesforce

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