Apex Sharing Rules in Salesforce

In our previous blog post we had discussed about Future Annotation in Apex. In these blog post we discuss about Apex Sharing Rules in Salesforce

Apex Sharing Rules in Salesforce

Apex Sharing Rules in Salesforce

In Salesforce, sharing rules play a pivotal role in maintaining data privacy and control. But while Salesforce offers default sharing rules that allow you to control access declaratively, sometimes businesses require more flexibility. This is where Apex Sharing Rules come into play. So, what exactly are Apex sharing rules, and how can they help you fine-tune your data-sharing strategy? Let’s dive in.

Importance of Sharing Rules in Salesforce

Data is a company’s most valuable asset, and ensuring that sensitive information is shared only with the right people is crucial for security, privacy, and productivity. In Salesforce, sharing rules dictate how records are shared among users based on different criteria.

By default, Salesforce offers a few sharing options—public, private, or based on roles and hierarchies. However, there are cases where these options are too limited. That’s when you turn to custom, programmatic sharing through Apex Sharing.

Types of Sharing Rules in Salesforce

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of Apex sharing, it’s essential to understand the types of sharing rules available in Salesforce:

  • Manual Sharing: This allows users to manually share records on a one-off basis.
  • Criteria-Based Sharing Rules: These allow records to be shared based on field values, offering more automation.
  • Owner-Based Sharing Rules: Records can also be shared based on who owns the record, making it easier to share across teams.

What is Apex Managed Sharing

Apex Managed Sharing gives developers programmatic control over sharing rules by using Apex code. This is particularly useful when out-of-the-box options fall short, and you need more precise control over how records are shared. Apex managed sharing allows you to define and update sharing rules dynamically.

Key features include:

  • Custom logic for sharing records
  • Ability to share records programmatically for both standard and custom objects
  • Flexibility to meet complex business requirements

When to Use Apex Sharing Rules

While Salesforce’s declarative sharing settings work for many use cases, there are limitations. For example, if your business logic requires sharing records based on intricate conditions that change frequently, declarative rules may not be sufficient. That’s where Apex sharing shines.

Use Apex sharing when:

  • The sharing logic is too complex for declarative options
  • Records need to be shared dynamically or conditionally
  • You need custom triggers to dictate sharing behaviors

How to Create Apex Sharing Rules

Creating Apex Sharing Rules involves writing Apex code. Here’s a breakdown of how to go about it:

Apex Sharing Reasons

Before you implement sharing, you need to define why records are being shared. Salesforce uses this to track shared records, so each sharing entry has an associated “reason.”

Writing the Apex Code

You’ll need to write an Apex class that defines the sharing logic. Here’s a basic example

AccountShare accShare = new AccountShare();
accShare.AccountId = accountId;
accShare.UserOrGroupId = userId;
accShare.AccountAccessLevel = 'Read';
insert accShare;

Steps to Implement Apex Sharing

  1. Define the object you want to share (custom or standard).
  2. Write Apex code to manage the sharing logic.
  3. Create an Apex sharing reason to track the records.
  4. Test and deploy the code.

Best Practices for Implementing Apex Sharing

When implementing Apex sharing rules, consider security and performance:

  • Ensure that you adhere to Salesforce’s security model and follow least-privilege principles.
  • Avoid hardcoding user IDs, as this can create issues during migration or changes.
  • Optimize your code to handle bulk operations, especially if you’re working with a large dataset.

Apex Sharing for Custom Objects

While Salesforce provides robust sharing options for standard objects, custom objects might require special attention. Apex sharing allows you to extend these capabilities to custom objects.

Apex Sharing and Role Hierarchies

Role hierarchies in Salesforce automatically grant access to users higher up in the hierarchy. Apex sharing can work alongside these hierarchies, allowing you to maintain flexibility and granular control over who sees what.

How to Use Apex Sharing in Batch Jobs

When dealing with large datasets, you might want to automate the sharing process using batch Apex. This ensures that your sharing logic can run at scale without hitting Salesforce governor limits.

Error Handling in Apex Sharing

Common errors like permission issues or governor limit exceptions can arise when implementing sharing rules. It’s crucial to include proper error handling in your code to catch and resolve these issues efficiently.

Governor Limits and Apex Sharing

Salesforce imposes governor limits to ensure that code doesn’t monopolize resources. Apex sharing is subject to these limits, so you must be mindful of how you structure your code to avoid hitting them.

Testing Apex Sharing Rules

Testing is a crucial part of the development lifecycle. Always write unit tests for your Apex sharing logic to ensure that it works as expected. Salesforce requires at least 75% test coverage before deploying code to production.

Real-World Use Cases for Apex Sharing

  • Sales Teams: Automatically share accounts and opportunities with specific teams based on complex criteria.
  • Service Teams: Share cases or records based on custom logic, like the case type or urgency level.


Apex sharing rules offer Salesforce users an advanced level of flexibility and control over record sharing. Whether you need dynamic sharing based on complex conditions or custom logic that goes beyond declarative options, Apex is your go-to solution.

We want to more about Apex Sharing Rules in Salesforce Click Here


What is the difference between Apex Sharing and Declarative Sharing Rules?
Apex sharing allows for programmatic control, while declarative sharing is set up through Salesforce’s user interface without code.

Can Apex Sharing be used for all objects in Salesforce?
Yes, Apex sharing can be used for both standard and custom objects.

How do you test Apex Sharing rules effectively?
Always create unit tests that simulate different sharing scenarios and ensure 75% test coverage.

Does Apex Sharing affect Salesforce Governor Limits?
Yes, you must manage resources efficiently to avoid hitting Salesforce governor limits during bulk operations.

What happens if an Apex Sharing rule fails during execution?
You’ll encounter an exception, and the record may not be shared. Proper error handling in your code is essential.

In our next blog post we will discuss about Schema Programming in Apex

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